Swara Acacia Lodge is located in Athi River, Kenya. Google map is currently showing the right location of Swara Acacia Lodge but the wrong traffic directions for the last turning off the Mombasa road. We are trying to resolve this with Google.

From Nairobi drive down the Mombasa road through Athi River and past the closed Primarosa Flowers facility (on the right hand side of road) and then Lukenya will be on your left. Take the first U-turn after Brava Food Industries (on left hand side of road) to turn back towards Nairobi and JUST 500m after this U-turn, turn left off the Mobassa road at the Small World, Game Ranch, Swara Acacia signed exit.

Drive almost to the car park of the Small World and turn left on to the road that takes you down the boundry of Small World car park and drive for 1 km on this road until you come to the gates of the Conservancy. Follow the signs to Swara which is a further 2km.

From Mobasa direction, drive up the Mombasa road until you drive past Simba Cement on your left hand side, then about 2km after Simba Cement turn left off the Mobassa road at the Small World, Game Ranch, Swara Acacia signed exit. Drive almost to the car park of Small World and turn left on to the road that takes you down the boundry of the Small World car park. Drive for 1 km on this road until you come to the gates of the Conservancy. Follow the signs to Swara which is a further 2km.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” — African proverb


Swara Plains

Athi River, 36 km from Nairobi


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+254 717 062855

+254 101 962855


Always open

Reservations are mandatory